Saturday, June 28, 2008

back from the wilderness of maramureş

so... i'm back from baia mare and all i brought you is this lousy video. these wild ducks, believe it or not, where swimming peacefully in a beautiful spot between a lake and a forest, just at the edge of the city.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

That's right folks, it is very easy to be old

well folks, the title for this post does not necessarily mean that i think this way.
it is just a nice title of a song played by The Violent Husbands, a Belgian group that we like a lot and decided to give them the speech in this week's post.
Effi is in Romania giving another One Minutes video workshop and I am in sunny Brussels and it is the longest day in the year and i am sad because this is the day winter starts taking over.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

א פערדל

a ferdl hab ich a recht
zitzn iz af im nit shlecht
vi fart men aber avek
az fun farnt iz der ek !

א פערדל האב איך א רעכט
זיצן איז אף אים ניט שלעכט
ווי פארט מען אבער אוועק
אז פון פארנט איז דער עק

to translate, try here

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Wave

This time not the famous mythologic "The Wave" movie, we all remember from the youth movement.