Saturday, September 27, 2008

happy new dish for the jewish new year

our best and warmest wishes for the new year "TASHSAH" (5769)
with all the respect to blogger, their flv compression suck...
for the real thing, we highly recommend to watch this video in higher resoution HERE

Saturday, September 20, 2008

white to red

no, it's not the polish flag, and even polish origins are not to blame.
it was a beautiful day here in the lowlands so we took our bikes to get some fresh air in the woods. it was a little too fresh maybe as amir's raynaud demonstrates.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

sky crackers

it was a l-o-n-g flight to bujumbura and we had to pass the the time somehow. the stewardess of ethiopian airlines weren't very happy about it. (superstitious, maybe?)
for more not-funny-jokes about airplane food, try here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


back in the white(?) continent, and the african dishes are being baked, as promised.
it's true what they say, that africa has another pace, that things takes much longer. here's why.
this one is an "end of the workshop thank you" Burundi style.
please don't ask us what it means, we have no idea.